Bosnian Soccer Legends Banned to be National Team Coaches!

Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 23 (1)
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
Are FIFA and UEFA officials aware of the discriminatory and illegal actions that the Republic of Srpska soccer federation is taking? The Bosnian soccer legends who participated in the voluntary match, many of whom are leading figures across Europe, who have given a lot more to the Bosnian people than soccer are now left to the decision making mafia bosses and political figures. It is also to mention that many legends were not able to make it to the game however letters and telegrams of support for “Kodro, Bola and Friends” were sent from all corners of the world. Tens of thousands of fans came to support the match and to make a statement. Enough is enough!
What is for certain is that you will continue to work with the discriminatory members of the Bosnian Soccer Federation and you will continue to ruin any progress or possible going forward in order to save your seat in the house for another few years!
However, we are optimistic to see how some of the Bosnian Soccer Federation members are not part of your illegal games. Even if this vote does not matter, we are happy to see that a member of the Tuzla Canton is not part of this vicious circle and he will give his vote to Sergej Barbarez who was part of the “Kodro, Bola and Friends” match. Perhaps one vote of freedom and justice is not enough, however to us it is!
BHF Press